Be energized and inspired on your job search by Overcoming Job Transition's motivational speakers.
Overcoming Job Transition's motivational speakers hail from every industry and walk of life -- each sharing unique and valuable insight on how you can take charge of your job search, make meaningful connections, and find work.

Learn directly from nationally-recognized thought leaders.

Ranging from industry-shaping thought leaders to nationally-recognized business and hiring experts, our speakers uplift, inspire, and help you take charge of your job search journey.

Gain new perspectives and actionable knowledge.

Our speakers are no stranger to the hardship that is the job-seeking journey. Sharing their tried-and-tested insights and the step-by-step processes that have fueled their successes, our speakers help you gain a new perspective on your journey and understand the next best steps towards overcoming job transition.

Overcoming Job Transition's motivational speakers offer real, actionable insight that empowers you to understand the modern job search market, how to best present yourself, and how to become a better professional in your industry.

Upcoming OJT Speakers

Leonard Reitz is a Oil and gas well operator in Tulsa, Oklahoma

July 18th, 2024

Leonard Reitz

Oil and gas well operator

Job search coach to over 1,900 in 7 countries since 2010. If you want to find out how to take your job search from search to interview to offers then come on Thursday. Bring your resumes. Leonard will show you how to “tell me in 10”. Tell me in 10 words or 10 seconds why I need to interview you.

Kelly Swan the Founder of Filling The Void Inc in Tulsa, Denver, Dallas, and Houston

July 25th, 2024

Kelly Swan

Founder, Filling The Void Inc

Kelly was the spokesman for two Fortune 500 companies, served as a ghost writer and adviser to six CEOs, trained 1,000 people in crisis, managed PR for billion-dollar deals, and received 11 awards for news writing.

Mike Henry is the CEO of Follower of One in Tulsa, Oklahoma

August 1st, 2024

Mike Henry

CEO, Follower of One

A respected authority on strategic operations and leadership, Mike Henry elevates job seekers by helping them recognize their passions, mobilize purpose in their lives, and ignite lasting change.

Interested in the Mission of OJT Tulsa?

Help us encourage, equip, and energize the job seekers of Tulsa.

Donate to the Mission of OJT

How to Get the Most from our Speaker Sessions

Job seekers who attend our motivational speaker sessions should aim to attend early in order to grab a good seat and network with others.

Attend Regularly
& Early

Each week, arrive early to grab a good seat, network with others, meet with our volunteers and staff, and to have time to prepare notes and questions.

We encourage job-seeking Tulsans to take notes during our motivational speaker sessions, as there's always new and valuable insight to be had and employed within your job search.

Take Notes &
Ask Questions

Taking notes and asking questions helps you better absorb the insights provided by our speakers and helps you directly apply it to your unique job search.

We encourage attendees of Overcoming Job Transition's motivational speaker meetings to discuss what they've learned with others, as it helps solidify what was learned during the speaker session.

Discuss What
You’ve Learned

Through our LinkedIn group and workshops, discussion promotes deeper understanding of the lesson and how it applies to your job search.

Join Us Online or In-Person Every Thursday

Learn from a new speaker every week at Asbury United Methodist Church in Tulsa.

Speakers begin at 12:15p, but come at 11:30a to get a good seat and get valuable information from our team of job search experts and your fellow job-seeking peers. There is no RSVP necessary.

Download ZOOM

Overcoming Job Transition hosts meetings and motivational speakers every Thursday at 11:30AM to 1:00PM via Zoom Video Conferencing

Weekly Meetings

Every Thursday

11:30a - 12:30p

Zoom Video Conferencing

First UMC 1115 S Boulder Ave Tulsa, OK 74119
Parker Hall

Gain insight and inspiration from veteran business and hiring experts and share your story with your peers at our weekly meetings.

Eduardo Nunez is an alumni of Overcoming Job Transition and found great value in the motivational speaker sessions held by our ministry.

How have our speakers impacted OJT alumni?

“Keep up the great work. The speakers I was fortunate to listen to were all great and inspiring.”

- Eduardo Nunez

Interested in the Mission of OJT Tulsa?

Help us encourage, equip, and energize the job seekers of Tulsa.
